Our Board of Directors

Leading Neptunian Woman's Club

The Neptunian Woman’s Club is a 100% volunteer run organization.  Each year, we are very fortunate to have extraordinary women lead us, organizing education luncheons and philanthropic events; always looking for new ways to give back to our community. 

We are pleased to introduce to you the 2024-2025 Board of Directors:

Images generously provided by Neptunian member Bettina Bogar. 


Neptunian Womans Club Manhattan Beach Board of Directors 2024-2025

Meet our board

Manhattan Beach Womans Club NWC Patricia B

President, Patricia Blakemore

How long have you been a member? 6 years

Favorite drink? Champagne

Hobbies outside of the club? Weight lifting, family time with the grandkids

From: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Favorite time of day: First thing in the morning

Neptunian Womans Club VP Philanthropy Mary C

VP Philanthropy, Mary Chieffe

How long have you been a member? 10 years

Favorite drink? Herbal tea

Hobbies outside of the club? Reading, traveling, pickleball, hiking, and going out with friends

From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Favorite time of day: Morning

Lorri Kampfner Neptunian Womans Club Board of Directgors

VP Membership, Lorri Kampfner

How long have you been a member? 11 years

Favorite drink? White wine

Hobbies outside of the club? Traveling, reading, walking, golfing

From: San Anselmo, Marin County

Favorite time of day: Early morning

Jan Fleming Manhattan Beach CA NWC

Past President, Jan Fleming

How long have you been a member? 2010

Hobbies outside of the club? Tennis and pickleball

From: Native Southern Californian

Favorite time of day: Morning

Neptunian Womans Club MB Maria Z

Director of Hospitality, Maria Zebrowski

How long have you been a member? 2007

Favorite drink? Manhattan on the rocks

Hobbies outside of the club? Bike riding, cooking, walking, trying new restaurants, knitting

From: Delano, CA

Parliamentarian, Mary Reggie

How long have you been a member? 15 years

Favorite drink? Spicy margarita

Hobbies outside of the club? Yoga, meditation, boating, jet skiing

From:Westchester, Los Angeles, CA

Favorite time of day: Sunset

Manhattan Beach Neptunian Womans Club Denise R

Director of Marketing, Denise Rick

How long have you been a member? 2021

Favorite drink? Water

Hobbies outside of the club? DIY crafts, pilates, ceramics, hiking, Strand walks

From: Bay Area

Favorite time of day: Sunset

Neptunian Womans Club MB Gail R

Director of Rentals, Gail Robinson

How long have you been a member? 2023

Favorite drink?: Coffee in the morning; a glass of red wine on weekend evenings

Hobbies outside of the club? Golfing, boating, reading, drawing/sketching

From: Born and raised in Southern California

Favorite time of day: Morning

Neptunian Womans Club Michelle E MB

Director of Rentals, Michelle Erickson

How long have you been a member? 2018

Favorite drink?: Perrier with a lime over ice

Hobbies outside of the club? Reading, traveling, bike riding, baking

From: Stockton, CA

Favorite time of day: Mid-morning

Kathleen Dobbins NWC Manhattan Beach

Recording Secretary, Kathleen Dobbins

How long have you been a member? 2019

Favorite drink?: Margarita

Hobbies outside of the club? Reading, pilates, cats

From: West Covina, CA

Favorite time of day: Morning

Manhattan Beach NWC Teresa White

Director at Large, Teresa White

How long have you been a member? 2017

Favorite drink?: Diet coke

Hobbies outside of the club? Art collections, hanging out with her dog, Latte, reading

From: San Fernando Valley

Favorite time of day: Morning

VP Fundraising: Elaine Trotter
Treasurer: Paula Davern
Financial Administrator: Jo-Ann Conlin